Forensic resources review announced

A major review of resourcing at the State's Forensic Science Laboratory is to be implemented as part of the Government's recently…

A major review of resourcing at the State's Forensic Science Laboratory is to be implemented as part of the Government's recently announced package of anti-crime measures.

Tánaiste and Minister for Justice Michael McDowell today announced that Professor Ingvar Kopp had been appointed to carry out an immediate review and will report by the end of March.

Prof Kopp is the former director of the Swedish Forensic Science Laboratory and a founding member of the European Network of Forensic Science Institutes.

The Cabinet agreed last week to a series of measures to combat a recent surge in drug-related gangland murders.


The package, which included extra gardaí and civilianisation of existing Garda posts, included extra staff for the Forensic Science Laboratory.

Mr McDowell said in a statement today that a major investment in a new laboratory is also already at an advanced stage of planning.

Prof Kopp will be supported a by a high-level steering group review which will examine the future human resource needs of the Forensic Science Laboratory, taking account of increased Garda requirements.

Needs arising from the anticipated establishment of a national DNA database, which will have a wider scientific purpose, will also be taken into account.