Former IDA director to lead fishing policy review

The former IDA managing director, Mr Padraic White, has been appointed by the Minister for the Marine and Natural Resources, …

The former IDA managing director, Mr Padraic White, has been appointed by the Minister for the Marine and Natural Resources, Dr Woods, to lead a fishing industry review group in preparation for negotiations on the future of the EU Common Fisheries Policy (CFP).

The group must prepare the State's case for the CFP review by 2002.

Dr Woods has said that the group would include key figures from the industry's catching, fish farming and processing sectors. Bord Iascaigh Mhara, the Marine Institute and Udaras na Gaeltachta would also be represented.

The group is mandated to consult widely. Dr Woods would also like to commission research from within the State and internationally on the legal, economic, scientific, marketing and environmental aspects.


A lot of research has already been carried out by the Marine Institute, under Dr Woods's predecessor, Mr Sean Barrett. During the EU's interim review six years ago, an extensive report on the State's position was produced.

Fishing industry organisations have already prepared their case. The Irish South and West Fishermen's Organisation, representing over 100 vessels, presented its proposals for regional management to the European Commission in Cork earlier this month.

The IS&WFO also wants an extension of conservation zones, including reintroduction of the "Irish box", recognition of the economic link between coastal states and the marine resource, and more effective fishery control at European level.

Lorna Siggins

Lorna Siggins

Lorna Siggins is the former western and marine correspondent of The Irish Times