Forum recommends arts academy

A high level Trinity College Dublin (TCD) forum on the future training needs for actors has recommended that the Government should…

A high level Trinity College Dublin (TCD) forum on the future training needs for actors has recommended that the Government should consider establishing an independent Irish Academy of Theatre Arts.

The forum, which was set up last year in the wake of TCD’s controversial decision to axe its prestigious three year undergraduate degree in acting, also advocates the “immediate provision of adequate resources” to allow the reestablisment of the course, or an equivalent, at the university.

However, it says this should be an interim measure while the longer term goal of the establishment of the new Academy is pursued.

According to the report, the Department of Arts, Sport and Tourism should set up a working to “investigate the establishment of an Irish Academy of Theatre Arts,” located in its own “flagship building.”


This would seek capital funding from both the public and private sector “spearheaded by leading Irish figures in international theatre and cinema”. Once established, its running costs would be met through public/private partnership.

The report also highlights the discrepancy in the amounts of funding provided to acting students by the Higher Education

Authority when compared to their UK and international counterparts.

It says the new academy should be fully independent and not for profit, but should have its degree and diploma programmes validated by a university.

The forum’s membership includes the director of the Abbey theatre, Fiach Mac Conghail, who was a strong critic of TCD’s decision to axe its undergraduate course in January of last year.

Among its other members are Michael Colgan, director of the Gate Theatre in Dublin, Anne Clarke, producer with Landmark Productions,actror Fiona Shaw, Lynne Parker, artistic director of Rough Magic, and Brian Singleton, head of drama at TCD. It was chaired by Prof Nicholas Grene of TCD’s School of English.

Welcoming the publication of the report, TCD provost Dr John Hegarty said it represented the “clear articulation of the views of the theatre profession.”

He announced that a college task force has been established to investigate the possibility of delivering a new RADA- style “revised and expanded acting training course comparable to best international practice.”

“Such a course is not being seen as an interim solution but as a course that would serve the desired Academy,” he said.