Four US soldiers killed in Iraq

Four US soldiers and an Iraqi interpreter were killed in separate attacks in Baghdad.

Four US soldiers and an Iraqi interpreter were killed in separate attacks in Baghdad.

A roadside bomb killed three soldiers and wounded another while they were on a combat patrol Sunday in eastern Baghdad, the military said. An Iraqi interpreter also was killed in the attack.

Another soldier was killed by small arms fire in eastern Baghdad Saturday, pushing the month's American toll above 100.

Iran has agreed to join the United States and other countries at a conference on Iraq this week.


US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice is expected to attend the Iraq conference in the Egyptian resort of Sharm El-Sheik on Thursday and Friday, raising the possibility of a rare direct encounter between high-level US and Iranian officials.

Earlier this month, a US military spokesman said Iranian intelligence operatives have been training Iraqi fighters inside Iran on using deadly roadside bombs known as explosively formed penetrators.