France approves extradition of Kopp to US

A French court ruled today that US fugitive James Kopp can be extradited to the United States.

A French court ruled today that US fugitive James Kopp can be extradited to the United States.

James Kopp
Kopp: spent 12 months
on the run in Ireland

Mr Kopp is wanted in New York for the murder of an abortion doctor there in 1998. A federal grand jury in New York indicted him last October for the murder of Barnett Slepian, killed by sniper fire at his home in a suburb of Buffalo in northwestern New York state.

Mr Kopp spent 12 months in Ireland while on the run for two years and was found to be carrying two Irish passports when he arrived in France in March.

He was employed for a week at the City of Dublin Skin & Cancer Hospital in Hume Street at the end of January and as a temporary typist in early February .


Irish anti-abortion groups said they were unaware Mr James Kopp was hiding in Ireland.

The French court's decision came after US authorities assured the court Mr Kopp would not face the death penalty if convicted. France banned capital punishment in 1981 and refuses to extradite suspects to countries that practise it.

Mr Kopp's lawyer is expected to appeal against today's decision, which could delay the extradition for months, possibly years.

Mr Kopp is also being sought in Canada in connection with the attempted murder of two doctors who provided abortion services.

Additional reporting:

Patrick  Logue

Patrick Logue

Patrick Logue is Digital Editor of The Irish Times