Full employment must be top priority - PDs

"A prosperous Ireland is the best guarantee of a socially just Ireland," Progressive Democrats leader Ms Mary Harney declared…

"A prosperous Ireland is the best guarantee of a socially just Ireland," Progressive Democrats leader Ms Mary Harney declared while launching her party’s General Election campaign today.

 Mary Harney
Ms Mary Harney as she announced the PDs General Election campaign

The campaign was launched at the unusual location of Prosperous, Co Kildare. Ms Harney said the location was chosen because Ireland had never before been able to "link itself fully and unequivocally with the name of this beautiful, small village".

"The Progressive Democrats are here today because Ireland is Prosperous and Prosperous is Ireland," she said.

She said the party was recommending itself to the electorate based on its record in Government and its "prudent manifesto commitments". The core of the manifesto, she said, was the need to maintain full employment.


"We must keep jobs coming by keeping taxes low. Low taxes mean high employment," she said, claiming the PDs were the only party guaranteeing there would be "no new taxes on jobs".

She said full employment would provide the revenue needed to improve health, education and social welfare provision in the country.

Ms Harney said the PDs were targetting eight seats in the General Election. "I believe that this is a realistic target given our track record in Government ... I am confident that on this occasion we can double our strength and hold the balance of power in the next Dail," she said.