Gardaí investigate Limerick shootings

Gardaí are investigating four separate gun attacks in Limerick city last night.

Gardaí are investigating four separate gun attacks in Limerick city last night.

There were no injuries in the shootings, three of which targetted houses on the northside and another on the southside of the city.

In the first incident, a house in the Richmond Park area was attacked at around 10.30 pm. It is understood that four shots were fired.

Gardaí are investigating reports that a red Toyota car was seen leaving the area after the shooting.


In the second attack, shots were fired at a house in Glencairn.

A number of shots were also fired at two houses on Munchins St in the St Mary's Park estate.

No arrests have been made.

It is understood the shootings may be drugs-related.

Labour TD for Limerick Jan O'Sullivan said the shootings show "a very worrying trend towards the possession and use of guns in our society".

Community policing would help arrest the trend, she said the Policing Committees established in the city "are not providing the real engagement between the gardaí and communities that is needed".