Gateway employees offered 6 weeks' pay

Gateway is understood to be offering employees around six weeks' pay per year of service, plus bonus payments

Gateway is understood to be offering employees around six weeks' pay per year of service, plus bonus payments. For junior employees with five years' service this would work out at around £10,000 but the bulk of staff could expect somewhere between £15,000 and £20,000 each.

Employees will also be able to sell their shares in the company but most are likely to have a net loss in the process. The shares are currently trading at $9, compared with $75 a year ago.

Many employees will have bought shares at around $25 but will not be able to hold on to them in the hope of a recovery in stock market values. They have to sell them within 90 days under the employee gold share scheme.

One small but significant bonus for employees who obtained company loans to buy a PC is that the loans are being written off.


The six weeks' pay represents one week more than was offered in previous redundancies at the plant.

About a third of the total workforce, including many sales staff, may be able to go once protective notice is served on September 10th. They will receive four weeks' pay in lieu of notice, on top of their redundancy package.

The details of the package have been agreed with the employee representative council set up when the company announced three weeks ago it was closing its Dublin plant with the loss of 900 jobs. The council is reporting back to their work teams.