Gentlemen wanted

Gentlemen beware! You're all in demand for next Friday's Brown Thomas Ladies Choice Lunch, which will be held in La Stampa in…

Gentlemen beware! You're all in demand for next Friday's Brown Thomas Ladies Choice Lunch, which will be held in La Stampa in aid of epilepsy charity Brainwave. Many of the city's ladies who lunch, including Jackie Lavin, Toni Wall, Catriona Ward, Joanne Byrne, Sharon Bacon, Sharon O Duachalla, and Sarah Owens have already snaffled a table, and plenty more are on the hunt for gentlemen to fill up their tables.

Last year's lunch was the talk of the town after a very tasteful display of lingerie was modelled by some very tasty ladies, and organiser Cindy Cafolla has assured me that this year's surprise entertainment will be even better. If you want to start the increasingly long Christmas season with a very long lunch, contact Cindy at (01) 661-4257.