Germany's Schroeder set for second term - poll

German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder's Social Democrats are leading the opposition conservatives by three points, according to…

German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder's Social Democrats are leading the opposition conservatives by three points, according to a poll today.

With 10 days to go to the German general election, the poll by Electoral Research Group put Mr Schroeder's SPD up two points at 40 per cent; the opposition Christian Democrats fell one point to 37 per cent.

The Greens, junior partner in the current ruling coalition, were unchanged at 7 per cent, and the liberal Free Democrats were down half a point at 7.5 per cent.

The poll also showed the PDS party of former communists up half a point at 4.5 per cent, still below the 5 per cent threshold needed to stay in parliament.


Electoral Research Group said the poll showed that if the PDS did not stay in parliament, the SPD and the Greens would have a parliamentary majority.