Government blamed for housing crisis - survey

Almost two-thirds of the public believe that the Government's lack of action is at fault for homelessness and the housing crisis…

Almost two-thirds of the public believe that the Government's lack of action is at fault for homelessness and the housing crisis according to a nationwide survey carried out by Focus Ireland.

Speaking at the Launch of the Focus Ireland Right to a Home Campaigntoday, Chief Executive Mr Declan Jones said: "We are in the final year of this strategy [the Government's 3-year homelessness strategy] yet the number of people who are homeless is rising instead of falling."

As part of their campaign Focus Ireland are calling for political action to legislate for a right to housing.

"Unlike other EU countries, Ireland has no established right to housing or accommodation for its citizens. Indeed housing rights in Ireland are historically weak by way of comparison to our European neighbours," Mr Jones said.


Focus Ireland also called for urgent action to cut housing waiting lists by tripling social housing budget. They also urged action to reduce the growing numbers of young people and families with children who are homeless.

According to the latest figures 640 families with 1140 children are homeless in the Dublin area alone.

"Only when this action is well and truly under way can we say we're on our way to living in a society proud to include everyone and not one which continues to exclude its most marginalized people," Mr Jones concluded.

The Focus Ireland campaign is primarily an Internet campaign, whereby people can sign up by logging on and keying in their constituency details. A pre-written letter outlining the demands will then be sent to local TDs urging them to take action.

Luke Cassidy

Luke Cassidy

Luke Cassidy is Digital Production Editor of The Irish Times