Government 'sleepwalking over cliff'

A prominent trade union today called on its 100,000 members to get the Government to stop indulging in policy which it claims…

A prominent trade union today called on its 100,000 members to get the Government to stop indulging in policy which it claims is akin to sleepwalking over an economic cliff.

Unite is writing to delegates to urge them to call on elected representatives to support the union’s jobs campaign, which includes tax increases on high income groups, stopping public spending cuts and investing in public services and infrastructure.

Regional Secretary Jimmy Kelly said policies undertaken by Government to end the recession have failed.

“Recent data from the Central Statistics Office shows beyond doubt that Government strategy is failing,” said Mr Kelly.


“With unemployment rising and the economy falling back into recession, it is clear that public spending cuts are actually contributing to the potential economic disaster that we are facing. Spending cuts are leading to job losses, reduced tax revenue and higher unemployment costs.

“We have to abandon the policy of spending cuts and start immediately to invest in the economy to create growth and jobs.”

Unite said cuts in social welfare income, public services and public sector pay are only bleeding demand from the economy.

Mr Murphy maintained the public finances can be repaired and €3 million saved by hiking taxes of high-income groups through wealth taxes, removal of inequitable tax breaks and ending the scandal of tax exiles and tax evaders.

“The Government claims to have taken courageous decisions to repair the economy. They have in fact only taken wrong decisions,” Mr Murphy continued.

“Their penalty for this will be to lose power.

“The penalty for the hundreds of thousands of citizens affected will be much more personal, much more damaging and much more real. We must change direction now.”