Govt urged to protect State students

The founder and director of the One in Four charity has called on the State to assume responsibility for the welfare and protection…

The founder and director of the One in Four charity has called on the State to assume responsibility for the welfare and protection of children in State-funded national schools.

Colm O'Gorman:
Colm O'Gorman:

Colm O'Gorman, also a Progressive Democrat election candidate for Wexford, was speaking following last night's RTE Primetimeprogramme that dealt with the response of the state to the sexual abuse of pupils.

One in Four supports women and men who have experienced sexual abuse.

Mr O'Gorman said parents would be alarmed to hear that the Department of Education and Science has no responsibility to ensure the welfare and safety of their children in State funded national schools.


"It is of very grave concern to parents everywhere that the Irish State and the Department of Education has totally abdicated responsibility for the welfare of children in Ireland's primary schools," he said.

"We can no longer tolerate an arrangement where the State simply washes its hands of responsibility for primary education and the welfare of children and passes that responsibility to volunteer boards of management," he added.

He called on the Government to work with patrons - churches or other agencies - and boards of management rather than "simply exploiting them to avoid responsibility for the education of our children".

Labour Party spokesperson on education Jan O'Sullivan said the attempt by the Government to abdicate responsibility for the sexual abuse of children in state schools was "shameful".

She said: "There is a total inconsistently in the Government's position. One the one hand Fianna Fáil and the PDs signed up to a deal with the religious communities under which they have picked up the vast majority of the cost of compensation victims who were sexually abused in institutions under the control of these orders.

"On the other hand the State is denying all liability for the sexual abuse of children who were abused in state primary schools, by teachers whose salaries were paid by the State. Where is the consistency?"

A vigil is being planned for outside the Dáil next Tuesday to express solidarity with those falsely accused of sexual abuse. The vigil, organised by the Let Our Voices Emerge group, will take place at 10am.