Greens seek radical overhaul of agriculture

The Green Party called on the Government to radically overhaul agriculture to help protect farmers and consumers against future…

The Green Party called on the Government to radically overhaul agriculture to help protect farmers and consumers against future crises.

The Greens outlined their position today at the launch of the party paper entitled "The future direction of Irish Agriculture".

They called for reforms to the CAP, the declaration of Ireland as a Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) free-zone and the setting up of a new Department of Food dedicated to consumer protection.

Green Party chief spokesman Mr Trevor Sargent said: "It is time for the Government to redirect our agricultural policy and position Ireland as a ‘truly clean and green’ food producing country."


"This would help protect our farmers against any future BSE or foot-and-mouth disease crisis and would create a new vibrant and sustainable market for Irish food producers."

The Greens challenged the Government to convert 30 per cent of all agricultural land into organic food production land by the year 2010. The party urged Ireland to follow the example set by Sweden where salmonella in chicken and pigs is virtually unheard of, and there has been no confirmed outbreak of foot-and-mouth or BSE.

Luke Cassidy

Luke Cassidy

Luke Cassidy is Digital Production Editor of The Irish Times