Haemophilia group to meet Martin on compensation

The Irish Haemophilia Society (IHS) has been meeting officials from the Department of Health today over compensation for haemophiliacs…

The Irish Haemophilia Society (IHS) has been meeting officials from the Department of Health today over compensation for haemophiliacs infected with HIV and Hepatitis C by contaminated blood products.

They were understood to be in the final stages of talks over draft legislation to set up a mechanism to compensate victims.

Representatives from the IHS will meet the Minister for Health, Mr Martin, tonight for further meetings.

The IHS has been angered by what they perceive as the Government’s delay in introducing the necessary legislation.


Mr Martin, has been accused of "dragging his heels" on the issue by the IHS chairman, Mr Brian O’Mahony, who called the delay "disgarceful".

In the 1980s, 105 people with haemophilia were infected with HIV by contaminated blood products. Since then, 64 people have died.

The Government paid out £8 million in compensation in 1991, but has since accepted further payments are required.

Kilian Doyle

Kilian Doyle

Kilian Doyle is an Assistant News Editor at The Irish Times