Hamas clashes with clan claim 12 lives in Gaza

GAZA: TWELVE PEOPLE were killed in Gaza yesterday during clashes between Hamas security forces and members of the heavily armed…

GAZA:TWELVE PEOPLE were killed in Gaza yesterday during clashes between Hamas security forces and members of the heavily armed Dogmush clan.

Among the dead were a policeman, an infant and 10 clansmen, including a member of the Army of Islam, which is an al-Qaeda affiliate. A number of policemen were wounded.

A nine-hour firefight erupted when Hamas security forces stormed the Dogmush compound in the Gaza City district of Sabra with the aim of detaining three clansmen allegedly implicated in the murder of a policeman on Monday.

Interior ministry spokesman Ehab Gussen said security forces took action only "after exhausting all peaceful efforts" to detain the suspects who had resisted arrest. Explosives and weapons were seized during the raid.


The Dogmush clan, which has links to criminals as well as militant groups, was originally tied to Hamas but has shifted its allegiance to Fatah's former Gaza strongman Muhammad Dahlan.

The Army of Islam, founded by Dogmush clan leader Mumtaz Dogmush, was involved in the capture of Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit in June 2006 and in the kidnapping of BBC journalist Alan Johnston in March 2007.

Since seizing power in the Strip 15 months ago, Hamas has largely restored order by cracking down on disruptive Gaza clans and on Fatah elements allied to Mr Dahlan.

In early August, another nine people were killed during fighting with the Hilles clan when Hamas security forces attempted to arrest members accused of a July 25th bombing at a seafront cafe were five Hamas officers and a girl died.

Clan leader Ahmad Hilles, who was the military chief of Mr Dahlan's Fatah faction in the Strip, fled to Israel along with 180 men, 150 of whom were given sanctuary in the West Bank.

Michael Jansen

Michael Jansen

Michael Jansen contributes news from and analysis of the Middle East to The Irish Times