Brain injuries - the facts

Over 13,000 people acquire a brain injury every year in Ireland

Over 13,000 people acquire a brain injury every year in Ireland. Of these, 10,000 are admitted to hospital with significant injuries.

Seventy-five per cent of those who acquire a brain injury each year are aged 18-35 and are male.

Traumatic brain injury refers to head injuries following an accident or fall. Other forms of acquired brain injuries result from meningitis, cerebral bleeds or tumours.

Physical effects of a brain injury include paralysis, balance problems, loss of hearing, vision, smell or taste, breathing and swallowing difficulties, incontinence, fatigue, post traumatic epilepsy and loss of speech.


Cognitive effects of a brain injury include problems with attention and concentration, reduced memory and learning ability, visual perceptual problems, speech and language problems, difficulties with thinking and learning.

Emotional/behavioural effects of a brain injury include over-activity, impulsiveness, poor motivation, irritability/aggressiveness, social withdrawal, lack of insight and changes in sexual interest.