Louise is a 35-year-old from Ashbourne, Co Meath. A 25-a-day smoker, she gave up cigarettes four weeks ago. She planned the date well in advance and put a lot of effort into preparing herself mentally for D day.
Her principal motivation is a fear of the health risks associated with smoking. She also "hates the smell of smoke". When she is tempted to smoke she vacuums her house and has even been known to scream as a way of letting off the steam of temptation!
Exercising in the gym helps, but only while she is working out. "The cravings return as soon as I finish the workout," she says.
Weight gain is already a problem for her. She also attempted to give up three years ago. That time, after six weeks, Louise gave in to increasing "bad moods" and intense cravings. She finds nicotine patches helpful, but believes motivation and preparation are the key to potential success.