Hydrate - water is essential for keeping the digestive system working properly and for aiding detoxification. Drink water throughout the day, preferably at room temperature, as very cold water is thought to disrupt the energy flow. Use a water filter if you are drinking water from the tap.
Exercise - great way of increasing mood-enhancing endorphins and for improving circulation. A long, brisk walk every day is a perfect place to start.
Fasting - a 24-hour fast while drinking plenty of water, herbal teas or freshly squeezed juices can be an ideal way to start a detox programme. However, it is not recommended for people with a medical condition. Check with your GP or nutritionist for advice before you begin fasting.
Bowels first - it is generally recommended that people first focus on eliminating toxins stored in the bowel. If you focus on the liver first, stored toxic substances that are released from the body tissues may become reabsorbed if the bowels are not moving adequately enough to expel the toxins. A course of probiotics can help restore "friendly" bacteria in the bowel and relieve irritable bowel syndrome.
Indigestion - to help prevent indigestion and bloatedness, chew some fennel seeds after a meal. You can also sip and chew fresh ginger pieces along with hot water. Equally, the fennel seeds and fresh ginger can be taken along with the meal to prevent discomfort and aid digestion.