Health Board

A round-up of health events nationwide

A round-up of health events nationwide

St Patrick’s University Hospital and Shine (formerly Schizophrenia Ireland) are holding a public talk on the topic of

Psychosis and the Family

at the lecture hall at St Patrick’s Hospital, Dublin 8, at 7.30pm tomorrow night. For further information, contact Susan McFeely, Shine regional development officer,tel: 086-8525221.


The annual parenting conference of breastfeeding support group, La Leche League, goes ahead on Saturday and Sunday in the Glenroyal Hotel, Maynooth, Co Kildare. Expert speakers will give talks on the importance of mother/baby skin-to-skin contact for newborn babies, the power of play and children’s education. www.lalecheleague

Chef and nutritional therapist Lucy Hyland will give a Spring Mind and Body Detox seminar on Saturday in the Carlton Hotel, Cork. Cost €45. Hyland will also team up with chef Gary Hasterson at Brennan’s Cookery School, Innishannon, Co Cork, for a three-session healthy eating course on March 4th, 11th and 25th. See or tel: 086-8179964.

A series of consultation meetings between Junior Minister Áine Brady and older people on the National Positive Ageing Strategy go ahead next month. Co-ordinated by the Older and Bolder campaign, the meetings will look at future policies, programmes and services for the elderly. See or tel: 01-8783623 for dates and venues.