A round-up of health events nationwide
- Keen to try out different styles of yoga or dance, sample the Alexander technique or join a comedy improv workshop? If so, head for the Health and Yoga days in Fitzwilliam Square, Dublin 2, on Saturday and Sunday. Bookings on tel: 01-6745773, cultivate.ie.An introduction to the slow meditative movements of the Feldenkrais Method takes place on Saturday and Sunday in the Pilates Studio, 4 Penrose Wharf, Cork. German Feldenkrais practitioner Günther Bisges will lead the workshop. €150, 021-4509404.
- A new fund-raising drive for the Laura Lynn children's hospice begins tomorrow when Cross Pens launches its special Laura Lynn pen. The Laura Lynn Foundation will receive 10 per cent of all sales of this commemorative pen in jewellers across Ireland. Work has started on the hospice, which will be built in the grounds of the Children's Sunshine Home in Foxrock, Dublin 18. lauralynnhospice.com
- A free exhibition of access, care and mobility aids will take place in the Citywest Hotel, Dublin, on Friday and Saturday, in tandem with the World Congress on Spina Bifida. Opening hours are 10am-5pm. accessandmobility.ie, ifsbhireland2010.com.
Improving quality of life for those with irritable bowel disease and irritable bowel syndrome is the theme of a public forum at 7.30pm on Monday in the Brookfield Health Science Building, College Road, University College Cork. Consultant gastroenterologists Prof David Rampton from the London School of Medicine and Dentistry and Dr Paud O’Regan from South Tipperary General Hospital are the speakers.
Compiled by Sylvia Thompson