Health scan lifestyle Q&A

Gay Mitchell, MEP

Gay Mitchell, MEP

Do you think you have a healthy lifestyle?

Not as healthy as I would like it to be – but it’s not unhealthy. I’m pretty trim, I’m careful about what I eat and I try to walk as much as possible. I’m inclined to allow work to crowd out what I do, but I really should try to make up for it by leaving aside an afternoon for golf or something more strenuous, but I haven’t got round to that.

How often do you exercise?


At the moment my suit is a couple of sizes too big because I’ve been doing a lot of walking, visiting towns and villages and spending a lot of time on my feet, so I’m getting quite a bit of exercise.

Do you get your five a day?

When I’m at home in Dublin, my wife Norma makes sure that I do, but when I’m away, not all the time. I like parsnips but I’m not very fond of cauliflower or broccoli. I try to eat fruit instead of eating sweet things.

Do you worry?

Not overly. I sometimes worry about the family and there are things I’d turn over in my mind, but there always comes a point where I cut off. I wouldn’t allow worry to get the better of me. I think it’s healthy to worry or anticipate a bit about what’s ahead but it’s not a good idea to dwell because you can’t influence everything.

What do you do to relax?

I go for a walk with my wife or I read – I like history and biographies. I read a very good book recently called The Berlin Wallby Frederick Taylor. I speak to people from Eastern and Central Europe and they don't know the history of Europe because they were never taught it. This book tells about how Europe was divided through the lives of people who were left on either side.

What’s your unhealthiest habit?

It’s my sweet tooth. I’m inclined to give in to eating chocolate bars to give me a little boost when I’m tired. The better habit is to keep to fruit but when I’m on the hoof it can be easier to buy a bar.