Mango Holidays: set up in 2003 by business partners who have both been lone parents, it offers a wide range of group holidays for single-parent families in the UK and elsewhere in Europe.
It has some trips specifically for families with toddlers and this year has also introduced group holidays aimed at single parents who want to get away without their children and meet other single adults. See tel: 0044-1902373410.
Explore: the worldwide adventure holidays operator now reserves a few of its trips just for lone-parent families. Contact Irish agent Maxwells Travel on tel: 01-6795700 or see
The Adventure Company: another UK-based company offering single-parent families something a bit different, with Kenya, Cuba and Egypt among the destinations.
See tel: 0044-845450 5316.
Sticky Fingers Travel: the Irish website company has specific advice for single parents on its site and useful links, see
One Family: a national organisation, which recently merged with Gingerbread Ireland, offers support to one-parent families. For advice or more information, see or tel: 1890-662212.