To kill E.coli 0157, cook meat thoroughly. Minced meat and beefburgers should be cooked until all the pink is gone from the interior and juices run clear.
Refrigerate or freeze all meat products immediately on returning from shopping.
Prevent cross-contamination by ensuring that raw meat, or its juices, never come into contact with cooked meat or any other food that will not be cooked before eating.
Wash hands and utensils after contact with raw foods.
Wash all fruit and vegetables carefully before eating.
Avoid unpasteurised milk and unpasteurised dairy products.
When eating out, check that beefburgers are thoroughly cooked.
Wash hands with warm soapy water after using the toilet and before preparing food.
There have been a number of outbreaks associated with visits to open farms. Visitors should insist on access to hygiene facilities.