In Short

A round up of today's other stories in brief...

A round up of today's other stories in brief...

Superbug vaccine in  the pipeline

Vaccines against two hospital superbugs could be available within a decade, the UK's chief medical officer, Sir Liam Donaldson, has said.

Launching his annual report he said a drug to prevent Clostridium difficile would be tested on patients having elective surgery later this year, and if it was found to be effective it was likely to be available in three to five years, while an MRSA vaccine would not be ready for seven to 10 years.


Firm agrees to IMB request

A private company in the UK which last month announced a new service prescribing the contraceptive pill and the morning-after pill online to women in the Republic has now agreed not to do so. The move follows the intervention of the Irish Medicines Board which warned the Dr Thom website that provisions within Irish legislation made it an offence to supply a prescription-only product by mail order.

Get Ahead

In an article entitled Disability and stability published in the My Health Experience section of Healthplus last week the incorrect name was given for the forum which Niamh Hayes co-ordinates. The correct name for it is Get Ahead. An incorrect number was also given for the Diabetes Federation of Ireland. The correct number is 01 8363022.

Nutritional therapy

In an article on nutritional therapists last week it was suggested that the Nutrit- ional Therapists of Ireland organisation (NTOI) is the only organisation which accredits therapists. The Irish Association of Nutritional Therapists (IANT) has asked us to point out that it also accredits therapists and nutritional therapy courses. Its website is