My Kind of Exercise

Singer Peter Corry tells Patricia Weston about his exercise routine and his late dining habits

Singer Peter Corry tells Patricia Weston about his exercise routine and his late dining habits

What's your workout?

I try to exercise every day. I have a routine of 80-100 press-ups and stretches.

Are you a member of a gym?


Yes, the Elysium at the Culloden, Belfast.

What's your favourite activity?

Swimming, because it really helps with my breathing for singing.

Are you a healthy eater?

Pretty much so, the one thing I have to be careful of is eating late at night. I enjoy a meal after a concert or show but it's not a good idea to eat just before bed.

Any vices?

Yes, chocolate!

Do you smoke or drink?

I don't smoke and thankfully yes I drink.

What's your attitude to exercise?

I view it as a necessary evil, although I do feel good about myself after I've endured it.

Peter Corry is joining the RTÉ Concert Orchestra for Two by Two, on Thursday April 21st in the National Concert Hall. Contact 01-417 0000 or

Patricia Weston recommends:

If you get bored just doing press-ups, here's a more diversified upper body programme:

Upright row - stand with your feet close together, holding your dumbbells in each hand, keep your arms straight and your legs slightly bent and your back straight. Lift your elbows high, focusing on using your back muscles to lift the weights. Repeat eight to 10 times for a strong back.

Triceps kickback - standing in the same position as the upright row, lift your arms with the weights to your chest with your elbows high. Push your arms back behind keeping your elbows close to your chest. Repeat six to eight times.

Chest press - in a seated position hold the weights in your hands with your arms raised to shoulder level and elbows bent, your palms should be facing the floor. Extend the arms forward and return to starting position. Repeat eight to 10 times for strong chest muscles.

Patricia Weston is an NCEHS fitness instructor, personal trainer and Pilates teacher.