Health Sector Jobs:The National Cancer Screening Service (NCSS) is inviting applications for a number of posts in preparation for the national expansion of BreastCheck in the west and south of the country.
There is a vacancy for a screening promotion officer based at the NCSS's central office in Dublin. The salary range is €47,606-€58,121 per annum on the clerical grade VII pay scale of the Department of Health.
A vacancy also exists for an IT support analyst based in Dublin and reporting to the senior systems administrator. The salary range is €28,384-€40,603. A PA to the chief executive officer is also sought. The salary scale is €40,603-€46,005 on a five-point grade V pay scale.
The NCSS is also looking for a receptionist and telephonist. The salary range for this 22.5-hour week post is €14,934-€23,264. Closing date for applications for all of these positions is 4pm on Thursday, October 25th.
The Coombe Women's Hospital has a position available for a temporary consultant obstetrician/gynaecologist. The temporary post has an 11-session weekly commitment to the Coombe and is for a six-month period on a Category I basis.
The National Maternity Hospital is seeking a locum registrar in neonatology/paediat rics, starting immediately to cover maternity leave for approximately five months.
St Vincent's University Hospital and the National Maternity Hospital require a locum consultant anaesthetist for maternity leave cover from November 2007 to June 2008.
St Augustine's School in Blackrock, Co Dublin, is seeking child care workers for its five-day residential service. The successful candidates will be required to rotate between day and night duty. The school is also seeking a basic-grade speech and language therapist and a senior educational psychologist.
The Irish Blood Transfusion Service (IBTS) has openings for staff nurses (permanent and temporary, full-time and part-time) in platelet apheresis. There are also vacancies for staff nurses and a CNMI in therapeutic apheresis, based at the National Blood Centre in Dublin.
Staff nurses are also needed for the blood collection clinic at D'Olier Street. A recruitment staff nurse for the Irish Unrelated Bone Marrow Registry (permanent, part-time) is also sought.
In Cork, the South Infirmary Victoria University Hospital is seeking a registrar in ENT from January 2008.
The Galway Clinic has an immediate opening for a locum consultant anaesthetist and is also seeking a part-time phlebotomist.
In Tralee, Co Kerry, the Bon Secours Health System is seeking a full-time CNMII, a basic grade radiographer and a clinical specialist radiographer.