Patients show artistic talents

MORE THAN 60 people who use psychiatric services at Cork University Hospital have participated in a project aimed at developing…

MORE THAN 60 people who use psychiatric services at Cork University Hospital have participated in a project aimed at developing their artistic potential.

The hospital's arts committee and its acute mental health unit joined forces to develop the project, which involved artist Charlotte Donovan taking up a 10-week residency to facilitate patients.

Charlotte Donovan explained: "Two sessions were held each week and were open for all patients to attend. Patients were encouraged to experiment with a wide range of art materials and techniques, including glass blowing and collage."

The work of the 60-plus participants in the project has just opened in an exhibition entitled Expressions in Colourwhich is on display in the staff dining room at the hospital.


Clinical nurse manager Martin Denny said the project was very rewarding. "It has been extremely beneficial to patients on the unit, and has given them a real opportunity to express themselves."

Ms Donovan was equally enthusiastic about the project and said it was "a pleasure and a privilege" to work with the patients and see them realise their creative potential.

"The welcome and support from the staff has been fantastic and I was amazed at the quality and diversity of the artwork produced by the patients. It just goes to show what amazing creativity people have within them - they just need the opportunity and encouragement to express it," she said.

The exhibition, which was officially opened by Gretta Crowley of the HSE, is open to staff and visitors during normal opening hours (8-10am, 12-2pm and 5-7pm) and runs until September 15th.

Barry Roche

Barry Roche

Barry Roche is Southern Correspondent of The Irish Times