Smart Bandage inventors win award

Entrepreneurs:  Two PhD researchers from the University of Ulster have been awarded the £10,000 top prize at the Investment …

Entrepreneurs: Two PhD researchers from the University of Ulster have been awarded the £10,000 top prize at the Investment Belfast £25K Awards for their development of a non-traumatic wound analysis bandage which tells doctors how well a wound is healing.

Dr Gillian McCullough and Dr Peter O'Hare of Impedimap Technologies invented the Smart Bandage which uses an electrode array system whereby small currents are passed and then sent to a special monitor.

This smart technology develops a wound map based on impedance under each electrode, which is then calculated into values and passed onto software that records the numbers for the mapping process and allows physicians to assess the severity of a wound and the state of the healing process underneath.

The instant feedback can be used to provide continuous monitoring of wounds such as venous leg ulcers, pressure sores, burns, skin grafts, and diabetic and surgical wounds.


Impedimap Technologies plans to develop the Smart Bandage for commercial production.