The food pyramid

`Healthy Eating Week" which began yesterday and continues until Saturday is organised by the Health Promotion Unit of the Department…

`Healthy Eating Week" which began yesterday and continues until Saturday is organised by the Health Promotion Unit of the Department of Health and Children. A Healthy Food Magazine with recipes and advice is available from health board offices and supermarkets.

This year's theme is "Go for Low Fat Healthy Eating". We are advised to eat less of the high-fat foods found on the top shelf of the food pyramid. "Eating too much fat has been linked to an increased risk of heart disease and some cancers," says Ursula O'Dwyer, consultant dietitian, Department of Health and Children. "By using low-fat or fat-free cooking methods, we have a better chance of being a healthy weight." "The food pyramid is excellent as it gives an overall idea of what a balanced diet is and shows what a variety of foods we can have," says Dr Moore-Groarke.