Higgins leads congratulations

Ireland: President Michael D Higgins led Irish congratulations to Barack Obama on his re-election to the White House, offering…

Ireland:President Michael D Higgins led Irish congratulations to Barack Obama on his re-election to the White House, offering his US counterpart "the continued goodwill and best wishes of the people of Ireland".

In a letter to Mr Obama, Mr Higgins said: “The very close and warm relationship between Ireland and the United States has, with your help and encouragement, prospered during your tenure. I am confident that, under your leadership, our bilateral relations will be further advanced during the next four years.”

Taoiseach Enda Kenny said he had written to Mr Obama and vice-president Joe Biden “congratulating them on their great victory”.

He said Ireland and the US “enjoy an especially warm and friendly” relationship. “This has been strongly reflected during President Obama’s first term of office, never more so than during his wonderful visit to Ireland last year.


“I am confident that the relationship between our two countries will continue to flourish during his coming term of office, as our administrations continue to work together across a range of policy areas in our respective efforts to boost our economies, increase trade and investment, and create new and sustainable jobs.”

Tánaiste Eamon Gilmore also congratulated the US president and said he looked forward to working with his administration. “We have work of course to do, we have work to do across a number of areas and next year, when Ireland holds the presidency of the European Union, we will be working on a European Union-US trade agreement to try and grow both of our economies.”

Fianna Fáil leader Micheál Martin said he hoped the president would return to Ireland during his second term. He added that by “working together to foster strong ties and increased trade and economic links, both Europe and America have strong, bright futures ahead”.

Sinn Féin deputy leader Mary Lou McDonald congratulated Mr Obama in the Dáil, while the North’s First Minister Peter Robinson and Deputy First Minister Martin McGuinness said in a joint statement: “The American administration has always been a strong supporter of the peace and political process and we do not underestimate the positive role it has played over recent years. We wish President Obama and the First Lady every success as he begins his second term of office.”

Dan Griffin

Dan Griffin

Dan Griffin is an Irish Times journalist