
Reacting to chemicals: New legislation called Reach, which aims to ban or control a wide range of hazardous chemicals, is to…

Reacting to chemicals: New legislation called Reach, which aims to ban or control a wide range of hazardous chemicals, is to come before the European Parliament in a few months.

In the face of intense lobbying by the chemicals industry, Chemical Reaction (a coalition including Friends of the Earth and Greenpeace) is asking MEPs to make a Safer Chemicals Pledge; to vote to substitute chemicals "of very high concern" with safer alternatives. This group of chemicals contains substances that don't break down in our bodies or the environment and may be carcinogenic. Find out if your MEP has signed up - or send an email to encourage them to make a pledge - at www.chemicalreaction.org.

Seeds of change

If you have ever moaned about the limited range of Irish fruit and vegetables in our supermarkets, head for the open day at Irish Seedsavers. Committed to preserving our bio-diversity by collecting and growing seeds, Seedsavers is hosting talks, tours of the gardens and orchard, and demonstrations of rural skills next Sunday (August 7th) at Capparoe, Scarriff, Co Clare. Details: 061-921866. www.irishseedsavers.ie


On the other side of the country, "guerilla" gardeners who have reclaimed an urban wasteland by the canal in Dolphin's Barn are now growing vegetables, trees, herbs and flowers. The community garden was created as a response to the shortage of green spaces in Dublin and as an attempt to re-establish a connection with food - and all help is welcomed. dolphinsbarngarden@gmail.com

Discussing environment

The first Environment Ireland conference, supported by the EPA, will be held in Dublin on September 7th. Topics include waste management, the impact of the chemicals directive (Reach) on business, understanding the water frameworks directive, emissions trading, environmental reporting and supporting sustainability in business. The Minister for the Environment, Dick Roche, will speak on an integrated approach to the environment. More details: www.bmfconferences.com.

Saving the coral

Coral is an endangered species thanks to coastal development, pollution, fishing and snorkelling, but researchers at St. Louis's World Aquarium on the banks of the Mississippi have discovered how to speed up its growth. Immersing coral stem cells into concentrated salt water and then seawater stimulates their development. Although coral may only grow a few millimetres a year, this technique could save the reefs that house a third of all marine species.

A walk in the past

If you're looking for things to do in Northern Ireland this summer, check out National Trust properties. The wide range of events for wildlife lovers includes a maritime archaeology walk to discover the past 5,000 years

on the shores of Strangford Lough (today at 2pm), a chance to eavesdrop on the private lives of bats at Minnowburn, Shaw's Bridge, Belfast

(on Friday at 8pm) and a deer park safari at Crom Estate in Fermanagh (Sunday August 7th and 28th).

Details: www.ntni.org.uk


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