A glimpse of nature, by SYLVIA THOMPSON
The Wicklow way
The new Co Wicklow Outdoor Recreation Strategy 2009-2013 sets out an ambitious vision. Launched earlier this week by John Treacy from the Irish Sports Council, the document aims to encourage outdoor recreation – hill walking, canoeing and cycling – in a way that respects the natural environment and private landowners and encourages tourism which benefits local communities. Specific plans include developing the town of Tinahely as a destination for walkers and developing further the recreation potential of Blessington Lakes. See wicklowleader.ie for more
Whale watching weekends
Looking out for whales and dolphins off the coast of Ireland has become a popular pursuit, thanks mainly to the enthusiastic experts in the Irish Whales and Dolphin Group (IWDG). This summer the IWDG has organised three weekend cliff and boat-based whale watching courses on Cape Clear Island in west Cork on June 5th-7th, July 17th-19th and August 28th-30th. The courses are suitable for those aged 14 and over and cater for all levels of interest.
€90 per weekend. See iwdg.ie
Sustainable means . . .
Feasta, the Foundation for the Economics of Sustainability has been predicting the global financial crash since it was founded ten years ago. From June 10th to 12th in All Hallows College, Dublin, a range of international and Irish speakers will analyse the systems and mindsets that resulted in the financial collapse and contributed to the crisis at a conference called The New Emergency. Speakers include Minister for Energy and Natural Resources, Eamon Ryan and Feasta founder, Richard Douthwaite.
See feasta.org for more.
World Environment Day which is on Friday next was established by the UN General Assembly in 1972. This year’s main celebrations will take place in Mexico City. This site gives you the chance to pledge trees, become a climate hero and follow a green daily tip