HSE Statement re Adelaide and Meath hospital Dublin
The HSE is aware of the planned process underway at Tallaght hospital to deal with the backlog of 57,921 adult x-rays to ensure that these x-rays are read by a Consultant Radiologist.
To date the hospital has completed the reading of 34,752 x-rays with a balance of 23,169 x-rays, relating to approximately 14,000 patients, have yet to be read by a Consultant Radiologist. Tallaght Hospital had a projected date of completion of this process of May 2010.
The HSE will be meeting with Tallaght hospital tomorrow to consider the options in relation to bringing this process to a conclusion as quickly as possible. The HSE, in conjunction with the hospital, will be making every possible effort to expedite this process to minimise any anxiety
that this may cause to patients who were x-rayed at the hospital prior to September 2009.
Tallaghthospital has set up a freephone helpline for patients and their families who may be concerned, 1800 283 059, open from 9am to 5pm from tomorrow.