Immigration Bill....

...main points.

...main points.

A new visa scheme for non-EU nationals seeking to live, work, study or visit relatives in Ireland

Permission to live in Ireland to be contained in a residence permit, which will contain biometric data

All those seeking refugee status to apply at the frontier for permission to make such application;


All grounds for protection under international refugee law to be considered under one application

Protection Appeals Tribunal, replacing Refugee Appeals Tribunal, to consider appeals of refusals, with provision for transparency and consistency

More restricted access to judicial reviews of asylum refusals, with provision for deportations to continue while awaiting trial, and for costs to be awarded against lawyers who bring "frivolous or vexatious" challenges

Provision of long-term residence permits for those in the State for five years or more, and those in certain professions here for two years, with most of the rights of Irish citizens;

Provision for detention in Garda stations or prisons of those suspected of being in the State illegally, and their immediate deportation without notice if they are not in possession of explicit permission to reside, subject to the protections afforded by international law;

Non-cooperation with the deportation to be made an offence;

Provision for the deportee to be liable for the costs of the deportation in certain circumstances;

New rules for recognising marriage between non-EU citizens, and for marriage between non-EU and Irish citizens

Provision for a transparent system of family reunification