IN&M group condemns Zimbabwe 'sham'

The international advisory board (IAB) of Independent News & Media (IN&M) has condemned the elections in Zimbabwe as …

The international advisory board (IAB) of Independent News & Media (IN&M) has condemned the elections in Zimbabwe as a “sham” and has called on the African community to urgently develop a strategy to restore civil authority in that country.

In a statement after a meeting in Dublin today, the advisory board said it condemned the sham election, the political turmoil and extreme human rights violations unleashed in Zimbabwe”.

“The IAB recognises that many African states, among them Zimbabwe's neighbours, are strongly critical of the Mugabe regime and its violent suppression of democracy. We particularly applaud the sentiments expressed by the President of the African National Congress, Jacob Zuma, and Nobel Laureate, Bishop Desmond Tutu, in South Africa, as well as the concern of former President, Nelson Mandela.

“The IAB now looks to the South African Development Community (SADC) and the African Union (AU) to urgently develop a strategy for the restoration of civil authority and a free and fair election process in Zimbabwe.”


The representatives on the advisory board include IN&M chief operating officer Gavin O’Reilly, philanthropist Chuck Daly, former New York mayor David Dinkins and former Canadian prime minister Brian Mulroney.