In Short

A round up of today's other stories in brief...

A round up of today's other stories in brief...

China 'aided Sudan despite UN embargo'

LONDON- China is assisting the Sudanese government's military, the BBC has reported, adding it found trucks supplied to the African country in 2005.

Markings showed two trucks were from a batch that arrived in Sudan after a UN arms embargo on supplies to the conflict-torn Darfur region started, the BBC website stated. China also trained pilots flying Chinese A5 Fantan fighter jets in Darfur, the broadcaster said, but gave no further infirmation. The jets were shipped to Sudan before the embargo, it added. - ( Bloomberg)


Polish statesman dies in car crash

WARSAW- Bronislaw Geremek, a leading thinker in Poland's anti-communist Solidarity movement and a former foreign minister, was killed in a car crash yesterday, aged 76.

Mr Geremek had been driving his Mercedes saloon near the western Polish town of Lubien when it veered into the opposite lane and collided head-on with an oncoming van, a police spokeswoman said.

Polish president Lech Kaczynski, a political opponent of Mr Geremek's, said he was "deeply saddened" by the news. - ( Reuters)

Bush action on climate 'bogus'

WASHINGTON- California governor Arnold Schwarz- enegger has said the Bush administration did not believe it should do anything about global warming and that any action before leaving office would be "bogus".

Mr Schwarzenegger, a Republican whose state has pushed unsuccessfully for federal permission to limit greenhouse gas emissions from vehicles, said on ABC's This Week that any move at this point against climate change would lack sincerity. - ( Reuters)

Obama lead drops to 3 points

WASHINGTON- Barack Obama, Democrat presidential nominee, leads Republican opponent John McCain by 3 percentage points in a Newsweekpoll released yesterday, a marked change from the Democrat's 15-point lead last month.

Mr Obama captured 44 per cent support compared to Mr McCain's 41 per cent, a statistically insignificant margin, the magazine said. - ( Reuters)