Independent TD yet to decide stance on accord

The Independent TD for Donegal North East, Mr Harry Blaney, said last night he had yet to decide whether to support the Northern…

The Independent TD for Donegal North East, Mr Harry Blaney, said last night he had yet to decide whether to support the Northern Ireland Agreement in the Dail tomorrow. Mr Blaney is to seek a number of meetings today in Dublin, including one with the Taoiseach, Mr Ahern, to have certain issues in the document clarified.

Following a late-night meeting with Independent Fianna Fail activists on Sunday, it was agreed that the final decision would be left to Mr Blaney himself. It would be one of his toughest political decisions, he said last night.

"It might go down to the last, maybe before I go into the House. I have put things in place to try and arrange a meeting with certain individuals, with the Taoiseach being among the number of people that I want to see, but I have nothing arranged yet."

He said he would need clarification in relation to wording used in the agreement as legal advisers who had attended Sunday's meeting were themselves unclear as to the meaning.


"I don't know how they expect the electorate to resolve the situation for themselves when they go into a booth to vote on the day of the election or the day of the referenda," he said.

The stumbling block for him was Articles 2 and 3 of the Constitution and the continuing British presence in the North. Regarding the latter, he said: "I feel that it is consolidated as a result of the agreement; but again it is not too clear".

He said his support for the Government was not an issue.