Injured woman settles case against Dublin Bus

A woman who was injured after a bus mounted the footpath at Wellington Quay in Dublin, killing five people, has settled her action…

A woman who was injured after a bus mounted the footpath at Wellington Quay in Dublin, killing five people, has settled her action against Dublin Bus for an undisclosed sum, the High Court was told yesterday.

Three women and two men were killed in the incident on February 21st, 2004. Sarah McNamara (24), Kilmacraddock, Leixlip, Co Kildare, sustained leg and other injuries after she was struck by the bus and was brought unconscious to hospital. She sued Dublin Bus for damages for personal injuries.

The company had conceded liability and the case was before Mr Justice Vivian Lavan to assess damages only. When the hearing resumed on its second day yesterday, Jack Fitzgerald SC, for Ms McNamara, said the matter had been settled and could be struck out.

Mr Justice Lavan extended the sympathy of the court to Ms McNamara over the incident and wished her every success into the future.


The court heard that Ms McNamara was standing at the bus stop at Wellington Quay when the bus mounted the footpath and struck her, knocking her to the ground.

She said she saw a number of people trapped under it and a woman and a girl under the back wheel. She lost consciousness and was brought to St Vincent's hospital.

Ms McNamara underwent three operations as a result of the incident. She had two operative procedures for skin grafts and remained in hospital until March 22nd, 2004.

It was submitted in a statement of claim that it was likely she was going to suffer severe problems in her left leg for the remainder of her life.