INO suspends industrial action in theatre on-call dispute

The Irish Nurses Organisation announced today that it is suspending, with immediate effect, all industrial action taken in its…

The Irish Nurses Organisation announced today that it is suspending, with immediate effect, all industrial action taken in its theatre on-call dispute pending consideration of proposals which emerged from a Labour Relations Commission (LRC) conciliation conference held yesterday.

The Organisation had been pursuing claims for improved payments for nurses on-call and fee per operation when called in.

Previously, the Labour Court had recommended that where on call requirements were excessive management should be prepared to negotiate appropriate adjustments to the rates.

The INO have described the existing national rates as paltry and pointed out that in many instances the baby sitting costs for nurses providing the on call service were higher than the remuneration received in respect of the duty.


According to Mr Dave Hughes, INO Deputy General Secretary "employers steadfastly refused to negotiate improved rates in such instances thus the Organisation had no choice but to embark on industrial action to further their legitimate claim."

Under the Labour Relations proposal the fee for providing an on call service is to increase significantly and is to be related to the number of hours during which the facility is provided. Additionally, the fee per operation, which was a once only payment, will now be increased in line with the length of time which the call out entails.

The proposals are to be confirmed by the LRC and will be put to INO members for their consideration with a recommendation for acceptance.