Inquiry into alleged abuse at top NI school

The British government is to hold an inquiry into allegations of sexual abuse at one of Northern Ireland's top preparatory schools…

The British government is to hold an inquiry into allegations of sexual abuse at one of Northern Ireland's top preparatory schools, it emerged today.

It is alleged that a 13-year pupil indecently assaulted a young boarder at Cabin Hill school in the early 1990s.

The school is the preparatory department of one of  Northern Ireland's most prestigious grammar schools, Campbell College.

The events, which have sparked the announcement of a statutory inquiry by Northern Ireland education minister, Mr  Barry Gardiner, took place in 1992 to 1993 but were not made public until May 1999.


The alleged abuser was placed on the Sex Offenders Register after being arrested and formally cautioned by police in April 2002.

Mr Gardiner's predecessor Ms Jane Kennedy had decided in February that an inquiry should not go ahead until the family of the boy making allegations of abuse had completed civil legal proceedings against the school.

However Mr Gardiner said he decided to act now because of the length of time that the civil action was taking.

He said his department would examine the outcome of the inquiry very carefully to consider whether any additional guidance about child protection should be issued to schools, particularly those with boarding departments.

The inquiry will be held in private but its report will be published.