Iran vows to pursue nuclear programme

Iran vowed today to pursue its uranium enrichment programme, despite an EU offer of incentives to suspend uranium enrichment.

Iran vowed today to pursue its uranium enrichment programme, despite an EU offer of incentives to suspend uranium enrichment.

In a statement, government spokesman Gholamhossein Elham said that Iran had no intention of discussing its "right to enriching uranium".

"Iran's stance has not changed and we are ready to hold talks in the framework of preserving Iran's nuclear rights," Elham told a news conference on Saturday.

The offer of trade and other incentives proposed by the United States, China, Russia, Germany, Britain and France was presented to Iran by EU foreign policy chief Javier Solana last month


The six powers have told Iran that formal negotiations on the offer, which includes help to develop a civilian nuclear programme, can start as soon as it suspends uranium enrichment.

Iran has so far rejected the demand, saying this violates its rights as a signatory of the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT).

"Today Iran sees the unilateral stance and beliefs of some governments (on its nuclear plans) as illogical," Elham said.

Iran, the world's fourth-largest oil exporter, says its nuclear activities are only aimed at generating power so that it can export more oil but the United States and its European allies suspect Tehran is pursuing an atomic weapons project.

Enriched uranium can be used as fuel for power plants but also, if refined much more, provide material for nuclear bombs.

The row over Iran's nuclear work sparked fears of military confrontation and helped push oil prices to record highs.

Iran's oil minister said any attack aimed at curbing Iran's nuclear work will push crude prices to "unpredictable" highs, the website of the country's Oil Ministry reported today.

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