Iraq'a Shia Alliance calls on PM to resign

Leaders of Iraq's ruling Shia Alliance have called publicly for the first time for Ibrahim al-Jaafari to step down as prime minister…

Leaders of Iraq's ruling Shia Alliance have called publicly for the first time for Ibrahim al-Jaafari to step down as prime minister in order to break weeks of deadlock over a national unity government.

The call sparked consternation in the Alliance ranks as parties held their latest round of talks on a grand coalition with Kurds and Sunnis, who are adamant in their rejection of Jaafari.

Officials say a unity government, more than three months after December's election, is vital to averting civil war after five weeks of spiralling sectarian bloodshed.

"I call on Jaafari to take a courageous step and set a fine example by stepping down," Kasim Daoud, a senior member of the independent group within the Alliance, told Reuters.


A top aide to Jaafari immediately rejected the call. Jawad al-Maliki said Jaafari would go on "until the end".

But other senior Alliance officials, speaking anonymously, confirmed four of seven main groups within the bloc wanted Jaafari to give up the nomination for a second term if, as is all but certain, he fails to persuade minority Sunni and Kurdish parties to drop their refusal to serve in a cabinet under him.

"Daoud's call is supported by at least 60 percent of Alliance members of parliament," another senior Alliance official from another group within the bloc told Reuters.

"We need another 24 hours before starting the battle" to pressure Jaafari into resigning, he added.

The United States has stepped up pressure on Iraqi leaders to form a coalition of Shi'ites, Sunni Arabs and Kurds, seen as critical to putting a lid on sectarian violence that has killed hundreds since a major Shi'ite shrine was bombed a month ago.

Privately, rival Alliance leaders have been turning against Jaafari but the call on Saturday was their first public demand.