Revenue officers have seized 4kg of herbal herbal cannabis with an estimated street value of €80,000 at Dublin Airport.
The contraband was discovered at the airport in the course of routine operations. Moreover, the discovery was not the only find on Monday at the busy air hub as officers – with the assistance of Revenue sniffer dog Blue – also confiscated 310g of cocaine which has an estimated street value of almost €22,000.
Both narcotics were concealed in parcels that originated in South Africa and were destined for a Dublin address.

Meanwhile on Saturday Revenue officers made two cash seizures at the airport in denominations of euro, US dollars and sterling to the value of €10,000. A three-month cash detention order was subsequently granted by Judge Michael Coghlan at the Criminal Courts of Justice.
Over the same weekend officers again at the airport confiscated more than 74,000 cigarettes of various brands including Winston, L&M and Marlboro in addition to over 6½kg of tobacco. The illegal tobacco products had a combined estimated retail value of €53,885 and a loss to the exchequer of €42,632.
Investigations are ongoing in relation to all seizures.