Funeral of murder victim Patricia Kierans held in Cavan

Cortege makes way from home through Bailieborough with more than 100 mourners on foot

Undertakers stand beside a hearse containing the body of Patricia Kierans after being taken away from her family home in Bailieborough, Co Cavan by Garda forensic officers, last week. Photograph: Liam McBurney/PA Wire

The funeral of murder victim Patricia Kierans has taken place in Cavan this morning.

Mourners gathered from before 8:30am at the Church of St Anne’s in Bailieborough to say farewell to the 54-year-old mother of four who died on September 6th at her home in Drumbannon on the edge of the town.

Her estranged husband Oliver Kierans (56), has been charged with her murder.

Ms Kierans had been in repose at her home since yesterday afternoon and the funeral cortege made its way from there this morning through the streets of the town with more than 100 mourners on foot behind the hearse.


Inside the packed church, items were brought to the altar in remembrance of her - a bingo book to represent her social interest, an accordion representing her love for music and dancing, and a picture of Padre Pio to whom she prayed.

Fr Oliver O’Reilly told mourners Ms Kierans’ death had brought with it feelings of anguish, sadness, frustration, anger and helplessness.

He described Ms Kierans as “a lovely, warm-hearted woman” and “a wonderful mother to her four adult children, Shane, Oliver, Gerard and Julie”. Her seven grandchildren were very special to her also, he said.

He spoke of her zealousness in supporting her sons at football and how proud of her daughter’s Irish dancing skills she was.

“She taught her children to love and never to hate,” he said. “She was the main motivating force in their lives.”

Fr O’Reilly said a week before she died, Ms Kierans had phoned him from Cavan. She had said her sister was helping her and she was “getting her life back in order”.

The priest also reminded mourners that there were other families affected by the tragic events, including the extended Kierans family.

Prayers were said for Ms Kierans’s children, grandchildren and relatives, as well as for people with addictions, “that they may receive the necessary help they need and not wallow in self pity”.

Ms Kieran’s love of the accordion and traditional music was emphasised at the funeral with some airs played during the communion, including the Fields of Athenry.

Her remains were buried at St Anne’s Cemetery in Bailieborough.

Fiona Gartland

Fiona Gartland

Fiona Gartland is a crime writer and former Irish Times journalist