Gardaí charged with assault on teenager in Cork

Injured party was pepper-sprayed while incapacitated, court told

Two serving members of An Garda Síochána have appeared in court charged with assaulting a teenager while on duty in Cork city centre over a year ago.

Brendan Dowling (46) and Fiona Sheehan (27) of Anglesea Street Garda station are charged with assault causing harm to the then 16-year-old on Cook Street in Cork on May12th last year.

Both appeared at Cork District Court today following an investigation by the Garda Síochána Ombudsman Commission who sent a file on the matter to the DPP.

State Solicitor for North Cork, Frank Nyhan told the court that the allegation against both officers is that the injured party was peppersprayed while incapacitated.


Mr Nyhan told Judge Olan Kelleher that the injured party, who is now aged 17 and was in court for today's brief hearing, had suffered no significant injuries.

Defence solicitor, Frank Buttimer, who represents Ms Sheehan and was standing in for a colleague representing Mr Dowling, said that both accused were pleading not guilty to the charge and would be contesting the charge fully.

He said that in order to address the logistics of the case, he would be seeking copies of witness statements as both accused were anxious to contest the case as soon as possible.

Judge Kelleher granted the application and adjourned the matter until October 16th for mention when it is expected that a date will be fixed to hear the case.

Barry Roche

Barry Roche

Barry Roche is Southern Correspondent of The Irish Times