Man arrested in Donegal as gardaí discover cannabis growhouse

Plants with an estimated street value of more than €400,000 seized

The growhouse in Co Donegal. Photograph: Garda Síochána Donegal Facebook page

Gardaí have arrested a man in his 30s and seized a quantity of cannabis in an operation in Donegal.

Gardaí attached to Milford Garda station, supported by the Regional Armed Support Unit searched a house at Kerrykeel in Co Donegal shortly after noon on Monday.

Gardaí discovered a cannabis growing operation and seized cannabis plants with an estimated street value in excess of €400,000.

Photograph: Garda Síochána Donegal Facebook page

The man who has not been named was arrested at the scene and is currently detained at Milford Garda station under Section 2 of the Criminal Justice (Drug Trafficking) Act, 1996. The Act provides for detention of up to 48 hours.


Photographs released by the Garda show attic rooms which have been adapted to function as a grow factory for cannabis plants. The room is fitted out with specialist lighting, heating and ventilation while plants about four foot high have been placed in pots filling the rooms.

Tim O'Brien

Tim O'Brien

Tim O'Brien is an Irish Times journalist