Irish on form to bet, drink and be merry

`Irish politicians put joyless Brits in shade" pronounced the headline in a recent Racing Post above a piece by the Racing Journalist…

`Irish politicians put joyless Brits in shade" pronounced the headline in a recent Racing Post above a piece by the Racing Journalist of the Year, Alastair Down. And the 17 members of the not-so-secret Leinster House syndicate which owns the winning Dail horse, Artic Copper, are quietly pleased.

Down wrote that the Grand Alliance is a cross-party group of members who like their racing and the attendant liver damage that goes with it. "You can't quite see our joyless lot of MPs enjoying a similar day out, as their idea of opening a bottle of fizz is to reach for the Perrier."

He quotes trainer Noel Meade: "It is amazing to me - indeed hard to believe - just how few British politicians are racing literate. But this lot are fine to train for - they are good at the racing and just grand at the drinking. And Artic Copper will go on and win plenty for them."

Indeed, future plans were on the agenda when syndicate members (no women, no socialists) had their annual dinner in Browns Restaurant on St Stephen's Green on Tuesday. Members were pleaded with, in vain obviously, not to talk to the press, particularly Quidnunc, as publicity was bringing the odds down.


The highlight of the evening was Meade's run-down on the form for Cheltenham. Artic Copper won't be there, but will probably run at Navan tomorrow. Great confidence was expressed in the officer board of Liam Cosgrave and G.V. Wright but then, as one wit quipped, that's what was said about John Barnes at Celtic.