Irish smoked salmon refused by US authorities

Imports of hundreds of farmed Irish smoked salmon have been refused by US authorities over claims they were prepared, packed, …

Imports of hundreds of farmed Irish smoked salmon have been refused by US authorities over claims they were prepared, packed, or held under unsanitary conditions.

According to figures from the US Food and Drug Administration, there were 226 cases where salmon were rejected in the last year on the basis they were "unsanitary".  Of those, 210 referred to Irish products.

Under US FDA classification, salmon is labeled "unsanitary" when it is judged to have been prepared, packed, or held under conditions where it may have become contaminated or been rendered dangerous to health.

There were also nine cases, four of which were from Ireland, refused because they were deemed to be "filthy". This is defined by the US FDA as being putrid, decomposed or otherwise unfit for food. Fish from the United Kingdom, Chile and Norway were also refused on these grounds.


Twelve Irish farmed salmon producers were among the offenders named by the US FDA.

Kilian Doyle

Kilian Doyle

Kilian Doyle is an Assistant News Editor at The Irish Times