Israel urges US to increase pressure on Arafat

Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon asked the United States today to increase pressure on Palestinian President Yasser Arafat…

Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon asked the United States today to increase pressure on Palestinian President Yasser Arafat to stop eight months of violence, a source close to the Israeli government said.

Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon

The source said Mr Sharon told US Secretary of State Colin Powell during a telephone conversation early today that recent Palestinian attacks on Israelis were intolerable .

"The United States has to put pressure on Arafat to stop the violence. The situation is intolerable...Israel cannot continue in this situation for many days," the source quoted Mr Sharon as telling Mr Powell.

Mr Sharon said on yesterday he would stick to a limited unilateral ceasefire which Israel announced last week, although Palestinians killed three Jewish settlers in attacks on Tuesday. Israeli gunmen shot dead a Palestinian in the West Bank the same day.


The Palestinians, who began an uprising against Israeli occupation in the West Bank and Gaza Strip last September, blame the almost daily violence on Israel. They say it is up to Israel to take measures to end the bloodshed.

The Palestinians also say the limited Israeli ceasefire is a propaganda ploy and accuse Israeli forces of continuing to launch attacks.

The United States has urged both sides to take steps to end the fighting, and new US envoy William Burns has held talks with both sides this week.

His talks, and meetings between Israeli and Palestinian security officials on Tuesday and yesterday, have produced few signs of progress.

At least 449 Palestinians, 90 Israelis and 13 Israeli Arabs have been killed since the Palestinian uprising began after peace talks stalled.